Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
Memphis Friends Meeting - Visitors Are Welcome

News & Announcements

At the 5/21 meeting for worship our own Mr. Rogers, Kali, sang to us "It's You I Like" as a centering passage. 

He also shared a passage from Maya Angelou:

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.


The passage selected for the 06/19 meeting for worship is from an anthology of Quaker writings available in the MFM library:


The passage used to open the 04/24 meeting for worship was from Parker Palmer's 1999 book The Active Life, an exploration of spirituality for the busy, sometimes frenetic lives many of us lead:

Contemplation-and-action are integrated at the root, and their root is in our ceaseless drive to be fully alive.

Parker Palmer has defined contemplation as “any way one has of penetrating illusions and touching reality.”

The query offered was, "How is contemplation integrated in your drive to be fully alive?"


For the 03/27 meeting for worship, the Clerk shared the following passage and query:

“Quakerism is peculiar in being a group mysticism…” - Howard Britton, 1952

Am I willing to test my leading by tempering it in a discernment with others?


The passage shared at the 02/20 meeting for worship is from Ben Pink Dandelion's Open For Transformation: Being Quaker. The 2014 speech is online via YouTube, along with a related 2015 speech.

"As Quaker, we are part of community rooted in the experience of transformation. This transformation is inward, it is personal, and it is collective."


The passage shared in the January 9 meeting for worship is from Plain Living: A Quaker Path to Simplicity (a book that is available for checkout in the MFM library). It is a quotation from Sharon Daloz Parks:

"Faith community: creating a space where obedience to truth can be practiced."


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