
10. Stewardship of the Environment

  • Is the Meeting concerned that human interaction with nature be responsible, guided by a reverence for life, and a sense of the splendor of God’s continuing creation?

Deepening Our Faith: Meeting for Worship


5. Education


    6. Equality

    • How does our Meeting help to create and maintain a society whose institutions recognize and do away with the inequities rooted in patterns of prejudice and economic convenience?


    9. Outreach

    • What are we doing as a Meeting to communicate our presence and our principles to the community around us? Does our Meeting’s ministry of outreach lead Friends to share their spiritual experiences with others?

    12. Integrity and Simplicity

    • What does our Meeting understand to be the meaning and implication of our testimonies on simplicity and integrity?

    • How do our Meeting’s actions demonstrate this understanding?


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