Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends

Rain, Rain, Rain Garden!

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Rainfall in Northfield has set records this year, which brings to mind our RAIN GARDEN… an inviting surprise tucked behind the Meetinghouse at 512 Washington.

When the Meetinggouse was first being planned, members designed and created this rain garden as an expression of the Quaker Testimony of Stewardship. These are designed to capture run off from roofs, sidewalks and streets. By planting perennial flowers and native plants, a short term excess of water is used by the garden, rather than running into drains and adding to the flood waters in the Cannon River and further downstream.  

An added advantage is its beauty. CVFM’s rain garden also features a wren house which is busy in the spring and a Peace Pole, which was installed during Peace Camp in the summer of 2017. Passersby are invited to settle in on the bench enjoy the garden’s delights.


From January to March, the City of Northfield accepts applications for grants to defer some of the cost of building these thirsty sites.
