Hospitality posts Easy Even Sundays committee roster

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Easy​ ​ Even​ ​ Sundays:​ ​ Tea/Coffee​ ​ ServiceCommittee​ ​ Rotation​ ​ 2017-2018


September​ ​10​ & 24: Outreach

October​ ​ 8 ​ ​ & ​ ​ 22: Adult Class

November​ ​ 12​ ​ & ​ ​ 26: Landscape

December​ ​ 3 ​ ​ & ​ ​ 24: Property

(Xmas​ ​ breakfast​ ​ = ​ ​ 12/10)


January​ ​ 14​ ​ & ​ ​ 28: Worship & Ministry

February​ ​ 11​ ​ & ​ ​ 25: Religious Education

March​ ​ 11​ ​ & ​ ​ 25: Peace & Social Concerns

April​ ​ 8 ​ ​ & ​ ​ 22: Care & Counsel

May​ ​ 13​ ​ (Mothers​ ​ Day)​ ​ & ​ ​ 27: Finance

June​ ​ 10​ ​ & ​ ​ 24: Skyspace

July​ ​ 8 ​ ​ & ​ ​ 22: Office & Administration

August​ ​ 12​ ​ & ​ ​ 26: TBD

See the Files section, below, to download this information in a one-page PDF.
