Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Monthly Meeting that is part of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

2017 Fourth Month

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Minutes Details: 

Fox Valley Friends Meeting for Business, April 9, 2017


Present: Jim C, Lissa F, Jill H, Reed H, Bob K, Tina M, Mary K - Clerk

Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the February 12 meeting were approved for posting.

Treasurer's Report: Jim reported we have $888.08 in our checking account and all bills are paid.

New Business.

Publishing of NYM Faith and Practice: Lissa F reported that she is coordinating our Meeting’s order for the soon-to-be-published copies of NYM’s first Faith and Practice. Hard cover is $15 and soft cover is $6 if ordered today through Jim C, Treasurer. Lissa has ordered six soft-cover volumes for the FVFM Library. In the future, Friends will be able to order copies through the FGC Bookstore. Thank you, Lissa.

State of Society Report: The draft SOS report was reviewed and accepted, with the addition of the following statement from Reed as our summary statement: "Fox Valley has, since its inception in the early 1970's, been a small meeting.  As a result, gatherings can sometimes be sparse.  This has been exacerbated by a recent upsurge in family responsibilities for some of our members and injuries and related recovery times for others.  We ask that our meeting be held in the light with attention to healing and a return to abundant participation in our meetings for worship."

Reports from Coordinators of Work Projects.

Ministry and Nurture: Lissa explained that she will need a letter of endorsement from FVFM to support her certification in chaplaincy. As part of her Clearness Committee, Reed will be attending an upcoming review meeting with Lissa.

Adult Education: We still need to schedule Hayden’s discussion on handling change, and Lissa’s sharing of her experiences in chaplaincy. Lissa may be available during the summer. Scheduling should be done through Carol C.

WISDOM: Bob reported that RUTH will be showing the film "Milwaukee 53206" on April 25. The film is a "documentary that chronicles the lives of those affected by incarceration in America’s most incarcerated zip code." Jim reported that the JOSHUA Mental Health Task Force has an appointment in May with the county attorney in charge of third-party commitments, and they continue to work on improving mental health services in local schools.

FCNL: Bob received a positive response to letters he wrote supporting health care. Reed encourages everyone to support the FCNL capital campaign, if they are able.

Potlucks: The April and May potlucks will be arranged by the regular attenders. Summer potlucks have not yet been arranged. Dan E would like to host one of the summer potlucks at his new home.

NYM: Annual Session will be May 26-29 at Lion’s Camp in Rosholt, Wisconsin. All are encouraged to attend and scholarships are available.

FGC: Friends General Conference is soliciting funds to support hiring of a consultant to examine their internal institutional practices related to diversity. At the suggestion of the treasurer, Meeting approved contributing $100 to the fund.

Prison Ministry: Tina reported that Shane has written a document on the legal support for freedom of religion within the correctional institutions of Wisconsin. Shane believes his religious freedoms are currently being violated because he has not been allowed to have a Quaker meeting within the chapel. Tina and Mary are looking for ways to help Shane address his concerns.

Communication: ‘Business cards’ with information about our Meeting are now available. Everyone is encouraged to take some and share liberally with friends and acquaintances. Thanks to Gabrielle for giving us the idea!

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Klos, Clerk

With support from Tina M
