Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Monthly Meeting that is part of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

2021 Fifth Month

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Minutes Details: 

Fox Valley Friends Meeting for Business, May 16, 2021

FINAL – Approved for posting September 12, 2021

Present:  Carol C, Sue F, Jill H, Reed H, Tina M, Francesca P, Caley P, Mary K - Clerk

Approval of Minutes:  Minutes from the April 11 meeting were read and approved for posting.

Treasurer's Report:  No report

New Business.

Preparation for Northern Yearly Meeting Annual Session:

Our State of Society Report has been sent in and we gave a final review to the Memorial Minute for Friend Hayden.

Reports from Coordinators of Work Projects.

Care of Meeting for Worship:  We decided to begin in-person Meetings for Worship at the Mauthe Center on June 27.  They will be blended meetings, both in-person and Zoom together.  We will have potluck afterward for those who feel comfortable with staying. Mary will handle the technical side of the Zoom meetings, however she will need to use someone else’s hot spot for WiFi connections twice a month because her service plan won’t cover all four weeks.  Mary will check into closed captioning the Zoom meeting to help everyone hear what is being said.

Mauthe Center:  Reed H will let the Mauthe Center know of our plans for returning on June 27.  They have been talking about upgrading their WiFi internet service within the building.  When this happens our hot spot issue will be resolved.

Ministry and Nurture:  We are all deeply saddened by the news that our Friend, Gabrielle, lost her partner to complications of Covid.  Carol will reach out to Gabrielle to see how we may be of service to her during this time of loss.

Potlucks:  Francesca will check with our host on the possibility of meeting again starting in July.

Communications:  Francesca will check if we are still listed on the Mauthe Center website.

Outreach:  St. John’s Shelter is starting a summer program for our neighbors who are homeless and is offering an opportunity for church groups to come to St. John’s Park in the evenings from 5 to 8 to socialize, play cards and games with them.  Several Fox Valley Friends indicated they would be interested in this opportunity.  Mary will talk to St. John’s and get more information and possible dates.

Prison Ministry:  There are rumors visitation will start again on July 6 at Green Bay Correctional Institution, but no official announcement.  Katie contacted the chaplain about getting our own room for our prison visitation instead of using the regular Visitor’s Room.  He said we can talk about it in the future.

Next Meeting for Business:  The next FVFM Meeting for Business will be September 12, 2021.  If any important business issues come up before then, we will call a special meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Klos, Clerk
