Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Quaker community in Frederick, Maryland

Guidance for Offices and Committees - January 2021

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The attached guidance document, approved in January 2021, reflects multiple changes since the previous one was approved in January 2018. 

The document is a guide that reflects Meeting's understanding of the responsibilities of these offices and committees and suggested practices for carrying out those responsibilities. It was originally drafted, and is revised as needed, by the Nominating Committee. Each major revision is presented for approval by Meeting for Business. The Committee hopes it will be a useful guide to practice that reflects both the reality of what we are doing and our aspirations for what we would like to be doing.  

It is presented in the spirit of Quakers in Yorkshire, England, who wrote in 1656 "Dearly beloved Friends, these things we do not ay upon you as a rule or form to walk by, but that all, with a measure of light which is pure and holy, may be guided: and so in the light walking and abiding, these things may be fulfilled in the Spirit, not in the letter; for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life."
