Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
Memphis Friends Meeting - Visitors Are Welcome

Queries for the State of the Meeting

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Updated 1/29/2023

At the 1/22/2023 Meeting for Learning to gather Friends' reflections on the State of the Meeting, co-clerks Adrian and Kelly shared the queries recommended by SAYMA's Ministry & Nurture Committee:

  • What challenges did our meeting face during the last year?
  • How did we support and lift each other up?
  • How did we breathe new life into our testimonies and responses to turmoil in our community and the world?
  • How did we deepen together spiritually over the past year?

A second time for worship sharing around these queries was offered in person on January 29 at 2:00 p.m.

The co-clerks shared this message: "Friends, If you were not able to attend either meeting to respond to these queries, yet  wish to, please sit with these & have replies to us by the morning of Friday the 3rd." Replies may be sent to and will be forwarded to the co-clerks.
