Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends

Meeting for Learning on For Earthcare For the New Year


From Peace & Social Concerns:  There will be a Meeting for Learning on January 1st:

For Earthcare in the New Year, with love foremost -

     A year ago we began the series of first Firstday Meetings for Learning at Miami Friends Meeting to consider the new realities we all face, as Earth’s climate changes under the influence of human-amplified global warming.
     Now we enter a new year where many hopeful signs of people taking responsibility, cooperating, showing flexibility and ingenuity are appearing. Truly amazing and unprecedented are all the rallying around of nations and groups and individuals in support of the Standing Rock Sioux - that they may keep their sacred lands, and halt the intrusion of the Dakota Access pipeline. In January 2016 we had never heard of #NoDAPL as a rallying cry. We know victories have been won, unshakeable alliances have formed and a new consciousness that #WaterIsLife has permeated the national consciousness - perhaps the international consciousness as well.
       For the first Firstday of the First Month of 2017, which is also the first day of 2017 - 1/01/2017 - Peace and Social Concerns continues with examination of how we are facing our new climate realities and the inevitable (and often unhappy) changes. Please come to this special Meeting for Learning at 9:30 a.m Sunday January 1, 2017, for worship sharing with attention to Earthcare. Deep reflection on the issues embedded and linked to Earthcare and on the past twelve meetings within worship can center us within faith and invite spirit leadings to come forth. We can revisit the queries and advices from SEYM’s Eleventh Month as seeds for us.
       We continue to bring forward our concern for having a habitable Earth for our children and grandchildren, and the generations after them. We seek to hold this concern higher in our awareness. We feel it pressing urgently. We feel the need of constant productive attention and action to this concern. Increasingly, we feel called to hear and observe more, to reflect more in group worship, and to seek leadings, such as opposing the Sabal Trail pipeline project. Questions arise: What is our way forward? What actions do we discern as necessary and timely now? When do we see it as crucial to act? Who will provide the informed leadership? Why are so many in our larger culture somehow not as concerned? How do we share our leadings outside the Meeting House?


Sunday, January 1, 2017 - 9:30am to 10:30am
Miami Friends Meetinghouse
1185 Sunset Dr
Coral Gables, FL
United States
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