Minute on Ministries

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The minute on ministries is attached below. 12 pages, pdf.

First two paragraphs:

Section 1. Background
Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting has a long tradition of spiritual discernment and ministry on both a
corporate and an individual level. The record of these activities is contained in the minutes of
Meeting for Worship for Business. At times Meeting for Business has been led to record its unity
on a specific activity. Examples of concerns of a corporate nature include creating a sanctuary for
individuals seeking political asylum in the 1980's, welcoming ceremonies of commitment for same
sex couples, and supporting homeless families through the Hospitality Network begun in the
1990's and continuing into the present. In addition, Chestnut Hill Monthly Meeting has issued
minutes of religious service to individuals whose work extended beyond the boundaries of our
immediate meeting community CHMM began issuing minutes of religious service in 1994,
following a long tradition which is described in the most recent addition of Faith and Practice
(2002) at page 57. Since 1994, CHMM has united with seven minutes of religious service which
are set forth in Appendix A.

This Ad-Hoc Committee was formed in June of 2003 in response to the Meeting's desire to clarify
issues surrounding the recognition and support of ministries and minutes of religious service. The
committee was charged with reviewing the meeting's current practices, developing a process on
the recognition and support of individuals with minutes of religious service and presenting this
process for consideration and approval at Meeting for Business. The Committee developed this
document through consultations with some of those holding minutes of religious service, with
legal counsel, with Care and Counsel, Worship and Ministry, Finance, and Peace and Concerns
Committees. We also invited our community to express their concerns in two well-attended,
called meetings. This revised document seeks to address the concerns expressed at these
meetings, and provides our committee's recommendations on the process of recording minutes of
religious service and providing support (including financial support) to those holding minutes of
religious service. It is intended as a work in progress with the plan that we will make revisions in
this process from time to time, as we apply it to the recognition and support of ministries within
our Meeting.

