Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
"Walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone." - George Fox

Adult Ed for Oct. 13

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2nd hour:  from Eli:  Community - one of our testimonies

SAYMA's Guide to Faith and Practice states that "[a]ll Friends are bound together in community by our shared seeking of the Light." It is not always easy, however, to know what "community" means or what being part of a community entails. Complicating matters all the more, we, as Quakers and as ordinary people in the world, may feel a connection and loyalty to many communities, from our monthly and yearly meetings, to our neighborhoods and cities, to what the Faith and Practice refers to as the "universal community" founded on the "interconnectedness of all life."
This second hour will explore the Quaker concept of community, including its history and its application to contemporary problems. Excerpts from Quaker writings will be provided, but personal sharing and exchange will also be encouraged.
