Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
Friends Meetings - Quakers - in the North Central U.S.

Do you hear what I hear? Explore your leadings

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Have you sat in Silence and heard a whisper urging you to follow a leading? Too often we don’t listen to the Voice-within. It is common to dismiss the message as just some thought/idea you had and not one that is Spirit lead.

The Nominating Committee would like to invite you to sit in Light and ask – “What are my gifts? What am I called to give? How can I share my calling?” There are roles of leadership/shepherding, visiting and nurturing Friends and other worship communities. There are current positions available, but you may having a calling for a position that will require you to season that urge for a while. This can only add to the richness of following the Lead.

If you have the gift of leadership, there are committee clerks on each of the committees and of course after this year end after the May gathering, we will be looking for new clerks for the NYM Community.

Currently we are looking for Friends to fill positions on:

  • Advancement and Outreach - going out and visiting other worship communities within the NYM community can be rewarding and nurturing for both the visitor and Friends visited.
  • Finance – Friends are called to be fiscally responsible. This committee oversees the funding, travel and monetary request NYM receives. If you have a checkbook and manage a household budget, you have the skills to assist on this committee. There are Friends on this committee that can assist and mentor those who might feel they don’t have the financial background for this committee. Don’t let your insecurity stop you if you have this leading. It would be good to talk to the clerk of this committee who could help you discern if this is something you are lead to do.

There are also positions open or opening up soon on all of the various Friends Committees such as: American Friends Services Committee (AFSC), Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), Friends General Conference (FGC), Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Queer Concerns (FLGBTQ), Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), Quaker Earthcare Witness (QEW), Scattergood School and Friends Peace Teams. These committees also come with some financial support for travel from NYM enabling the attendance of conferences. Friends are encouraged to go to the NYM Job Descriptions web page and explore these committees and listen for a calling in response to what the mission is for each committee. You can also talk to Friends who are currently on the committee to learn more about how the committee works and what is involved in making a commitment to join the cause. View the NYM Clerk and Committee roster if you are logged in as an NYM site member. (Contact Vicki at if you need login assistance).

We, as a community, are only as strong as the members who are present, open, willing and available to give their talent and support their fellow-Friends. Quiet, Listen and Embrace

When you find your leading, please send a note to the Nominating Committee. We will discern the present need and let you know if there is a space open or when one will be opening. We look forward to hearing from you.

Send your requests/inquiries to:

Michael Houle – Clerk, Nominating Committee
