Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends

Sanctuary Support Statement

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Rochester Quakers Become a Sanctuary Support Church to Help People Who are Threatened with Deportation

The Rochester Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) affirms God’s Beloved Community on earth and the sacredness of all humanity.  Our testimonies spring from the belief that there is “that of God in everyone.”  We reached unity on doing what we can to assist the increasing numbers of people facing deportation and are led to ‘speak truth to power’ publicly. We offer our collective resources as a Sanctuary Support Church to other communities of faith aiding our neighbors. We also stand with individual members of our meeting being led to deeper involvement.

We call on other faith communities to join us in publicly defending the safety and dignity of our neighbors by offering sanctuary to those threatened with deportation.   

We know of God’s transformative power in our lives by the example of Friends before us.  John Woolman’s message that “Love is the first motion” guides us to this united witness and action.  The people we meet on this journey are our teachers and beloved brothers and sisters.     

Any worshiping community may become a Sanctuary Support Congregation. If we can offer support in the decision-making process, please contact us at or 507-281-5838.
