Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends

Get Involved!

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Get involved!

Our Meeting community functions thanks to the willingness of all to pitch in and take responsibility for the maintenance and vitality of the Meeting. We have no designated minister or other paid staff (except for child care and bookkeeping), so volunteers shape all aspects of Meeting life. By joining a committee, you get to know other Friends and contribute to the dynamic life and development of the Meeting. Find a committee or task that interests you. Contact the committee’s convener (or another committee member) if you would like to visit a committee meeting or learn more about its current activities. Names and contact information are available in the Meeting Directory.


We welcome inquiries about membership in the Religious Society of Friends. Many among us have participated in the Meeting as “attenders,” not feeling led to seek membership. Most activities of the Meeting are open to members and attenders. An attender is a person who frequently attends Meeting for Worship and other activities of the Meeting but is not a member of the Religious Society of Friends and/or Santa Monica Friends Meeting. As an individual becomes more familiar with the Meeting and involved in its activities, he/she may wish to consider requesting membership in Santa Monica Friends Meeting and, through it, in the Religious Society or Friends, or transferring membership to Santa Monica Friends from another meeting.

Attenders considering membership should read the section on membership in Faith and Practice of Pacific Yearly Meeting and other materials on Quakerism. They should seek to discern whether they are ready to support Santa Monica Friends Meeting with their presence and resources, participate in the life of the Meeting, and strive to live in keeping with Friends' testimonies and practices. An applicant for membership should address his/her application letter to the Meeting through the Clerk of the Meeting. The Clerk will read the application letter at a Meeting for Worship for the Conduct of Business and refer the request to the Pastoral Care Committee. It is helpful if the applicant can attend that Meeting for Business where the reading of the application letter occurs, in order to be introduced to the Meeting. The Pastoral Care Committee will appoint a clearness committee to meet with the applicant. The clearness committee will report back to Pastoral Care Committee, and Pastoral Care Committee will report to Meeting for Business. It is helpful if the applicant can attend this Meeting for Business as well.

Transfer of Membership

A member of Santa Monica Friends Meeting who desires to transfer membership to another Monthly Meeting or to be dropped from the membership rolls should address a letter to the Clerk. Meeting for Business will consider this request and decide whether to accept the request or refer the matter to Pastoral Care Committee. In the case of a member who asks to be dropped, the Meeting should be sensitive to the spiritual needs of that member and appoint a member or members to meet with him/her as appropriate.


We welcome contributions to Santa Monica Friends Meeting. They can be left in the small wooden box in the library, mailed to the Meeting House or given directly to the Clerk. Our life together — our buildings, our programs, our outreach — require substantial financial support, which we welcome on a regular basis. If you would like to donate through direct deposit please LINK to direct deposit form.


Other opportunities for involvement