Friends General Conference

Together we nurture the spiritual vitality of Friends
A Quaker Meeting of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting at Westtown School

Basic Tenets of Quaker Faith

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Members' of the Religious Society of Friends (referred to as "Quakers") faith and practice is guided by general beliefs and principles. Some of these are,

  • There is a spiritual dimension in our lives and in the world, often called God or Divine Spirit.

  • Everyone has that Divine Spirit in her or him, called "That of God," "Spirit," "Inner Light," or "Inner Christ."

  • Everyone is capable of a direct relationship with that Divine Spirit, without an intermediary (such as a priest or pastor).

  • Spirituality may be cultivated through intentional, inward silence, individually and especially gathered together with others with the same intention.

  • Spiritual Truth is revealed to us continuously. (The "Truth" was not handed down at some point in the past; it is continually available to us in our lives,right here, right now.)
    –Ninth Grade Religious Thought Class, Friends Select School, Teacher Tom Hoopes

  • The "Testimonies": Quakers historically have sought to act on concerns for peace and nonviolent resolution of conflicts, simplicity, integrity, equality, community, and the right sharing of the earth's resources.

  • "In worship we discover direction for our lives and the uses of our resources. Leadings are often made clearer by reference to the life and teachings of Jesus and by the transforming power of the Inner Light. From worship there comes a fresh understanding of the two great commandments: to 'love your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself ' (Luke 10:27)."
    –PYM Faith & Practice, 2002, p. 18.

  •  "Friends' appreciation of the Bible and other scriptures springs from our faith that there is in everyone the capacity to be open and responsive to the experience of the Divine...Friends...have found the Bible to be the record of direct experiences of the Holy Spirit, serving as an important touchstone against which to test our leadings.
    –PYM Faith & Practice, 2002, p. 30.
