Clerks and Committee Members 2022-2023

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Current Meeting Appointments approved latest 7-27-22


Yellow Springs Meeting Monthly Meeting

Clerk  Susan Hyde 

(term begins October 1 – June 30, 2024)

Assistant Clerk  Bruce Heckman 

(term begins October 1 – June 30, 2024)

Recording Clerk   Tim Morand 

Treasurer   Carl Champney 

Statistician   David Hyde

Archivist    Susan Hyde

Friend Committee on National Legislation liaison  - Cathy Roma

Purchasing Agent - Position currently vacant

Communications Committee 

Website - Annie Blanchard

Social Media - Lauren Shows

QuakerShaker Newsletter - 

Weekly email - Annie Blanchard

At least two additional committee members are needed.

Care of the Meeting House Committee

Alice Robrish, clerk 

Diane Chiddister

Liz Porter

Connie Collett

Nate Fleming

Finance Committee

George Castellano, clerk

Berch Carpenter 

One additional committee member is needed. 

Carl Champney, Treasurer

Check signing authorization: Susan Hyde (not a committee member)

Hospitality Committee*

Janeal Ravndal

At least one additional committee member is needed. 

Library Committee*

Jane Brown

At least one committee member is needed.

Membership and Pastoral Care Committee 

Pat Dewees, clerk 

Carol Simmons 

Lauren Shows 

Heidi Eastman 

Carl Hyde 

Alice Robrish

Memorial Committee

David Hyde, Clerk

Neal Crandall

Diane Chiddister

Alan Palmer

Ministry and Advancement Committee 

Tim Morand, clerk 

Bruce Heckman 

Annie Blanchard 

Jim Duffey

Peace and Social Justice Committee*

Neal Crandall

Carol Simmons 

Cathy Roma

Denise Runyon

Children’s Religious Education Committee*

Susan Hyde

Lauren Shows

At least two additional committee members are needed.

Nominating Committee*

Three committee members needed. 

Ad Hoc Hybrid Committee

Annie Blanchard, clerk

Connie Collett

George Castellano

Ad Hoc Rockford Lease Committee

Ann Cooper

Cathy Roma

OVYM Executive Committee representatives

Susan Hyde

Annie Blanchard

Friends Care Board Nominating Committee

Carl Hyde 

Ann Cooper 

Liz Porter 

Friends Heath Care Association Board – Meeting Appointments

Liz Porter (1st term ends 2023)

Sterling Wright (2nd term ends 2023)

Tom Malcolm (1st term ends 2024)

Abby Cobb (1st term ends 2024)

Diane Chiddister (2nd term ends 2025)

Ann Poortinga (1st term ends 2025)

Ad hoc Committee on LGBTQ Concerns (currently inactive)

Christian Snediker-Morscheck, clerk

Carol Simmons

Bruce Heckman

Alice Robrish

Worship in Song piano volunteers

Cheryl Keen

Beverly Logan

Caryn Diamond

* Committee is currently lacking a clerk.

